What we did: Pennies for Patients is a service learning, character education and philanthropy program that gives students a unique experience making a difference through teamwork—working together to aid thousands of children and adults in the fight blood cancers like leukemia.
How it Works: Students collect spare change over a three-week period during February or March. The change can come from friends or relatives or underneath the couch cushions. What's important is that the change is collected.
How MCMS Did: Thanks to Ms. Mann and the School Advisory Committee, our school was able to raise $1,956.66 this year!! The top classes were:
Mrs. Owen's Homeroom: $353.69 (won a pizza/ice-cream party!)
Mrs. Middleton's Homeroom: $274.26 (won a prize)
Mrs. Setzler's Homeroom: $216.55 (won a prize)
Mr. Arkin's Homeroom: $188.83
Thank you again for all of your efforts in March for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!!!
Pennies for Patients is all about making change that makes a difference!